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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s
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In this category, only the content related to the category title is included.
Webmaster general topics, problems, errors, solution methods, guides, help, information and sharing forum about webmaster
How to become a Webmaster? Information and sharing category with software for beginners, design, coding, reviews, comments, analysis, webmaster questions, problems and solutions
Sharing category with information about what it is, lectures, video lectures, E-Book, brainstorming, hints, analogies
What is brainstorming? A category that includes sharing examples such as brainstorming examples, project development, searching for partners for the projects you have developed, collecting information about your project and getting ideas.
What is IT law? What are the legal responsibilities of webmasters according to IT law? Adsense tax, KVKK etc. Information and sharing category that includes information about informatics law.
Sharing category with updated information about WhatsApp, mIRC, Skype and ICQ issues, topics and solutions, news and improvements
Programs, computer and webmaster programs, newly released free programs, program news, problem / error and solutions category.
Information and sharing forum about new websites, projects, developments, popular websites, site promotions, site ideas
Trade category about link exchange, getting backlink, cross link, link exchange, blog backlink